
Setting a Goal Isn't Enough

Week 28

2020 is the year in which I'm focusing on Exponential Value and Visibility.  A huge part of being able to achieve this is reflecting on how far I have come and celebrating my progress. You can follow my journey to experience my vision here. 

Setting a goal is not enough.

Last week I shared my process of setting up my year for success.

I wanted to outline one exercise that has kept me motivated and focused.  I try to model this approach for my clients as well - how to reflect on and share yo…

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My Mid-Year Review Practice Part 2

Part 2 - Mid Year Review

2020 is the year in which I'm focusing on Exponential Value and Visibility.  A huge part of being able to achieve this is reflecting on how far I have come and celebrating my progress. You can follow my journey to experience my vision here. 

If you want to skip to a section:

  1. Document Check
  2. Q2 Check
  3. Midyear Review
  4. Next Steps

Document Check

I try to take the time to document my progress in many different ways, so I start off by reviewing things I have already recorded. If you have been …

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My Mid-Year Review Practice

Week 27

.Something I need to continue to improve on is taking the time and space to reflect on my progress and shift.  I don’t have a boss or supervisor to monitor my work or suggest a different approach.

In the simple graphics below, I illustrate how my approach to my time has evolved:

How I Used to Spend My Time.jpg How I Attempt to Spend My Time.jpg

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing an update on how far I have gone with my yearly vision (how I refer to my goals).

Rather than focus on specific numbers, I start with how I want to think and feel.

If you hav…

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What Has Improved My Productivity During COVID

Productivity - Post

2020 is the year in which I'm focusing on Exponential Value and Visibility.  A huge part of being able to achieve this is using my vision and theme to define my actions that ultimately determine my results. You can follow my journey to experience my vision here. 

I have worked from home for about two years now, but I am always learning new ways to stay on top of my tasks and get things done.  It is my job to engage and interact with others but to be able to do so successfully I have learned I h…

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Do You Want to be Successful?

Week 26

Then, get clear on your thoughts around self-promotion.

A few weeks ago, I put up a poll on LinkedIn, and I was pleasantly surprised at the results:

I know I used to (and still sometimes) have a problem with people who were open to sharing their success. 

I used to tell myself stories about how they were ‘too much.’

I still procrastinate on sharing my wins, cringing when I am about to click post because I didn’t want people to tell me I am showing off.   

How we respond or react to others…

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Want to Show Up Differently?

Week #25

If you do, take a second to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses. 

Accessing the hidden parts of yourself – what you might be ashamed of, have hidden, or previously denied is ALSO part of that.

We need to bring light to them, integrate them, and bring them into our awareness so we can embrace our humaneness and remind ourselves that we are not perfect.

My responsibly as a leader and coach are to use my privilege to help others raise their self-awareness so they can show up and get t…

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100% of Us Do This

Week #23

Did you figure it out?

Come on, guess!

Fine, I will tell you…

It is procrastination.


Because as humans, we are not designed to do scary things - and our brains are trying to protect us.  

We create habits to avoid things - to protect and relieve ourselves from perceived fear and anxiety, such as rejection, judgment, or failure.

This habit is called procrastination.

This video gives you a great starting point on how to change your habit of avoiding: 

  1. Acknowledge it - For example, …

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What Did you Just Say to Yourself?

Week #22

I should be further along with my business.

I can’t believe I haven’t figured out how to position this product yet.

I didn’t get the promotion - there must be something wrong with me.

I am so stupid; I should have seen this coming.

During this crisis, I have become hyper-aware of how I am speaking to myself.  Though I’m hanging out at my parents’ house, I spend most of my time alone. 

I’ve noticed that when I get frustrated, I call myself a name and get even more annoyed at myself.

I’ve ha…

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I Want to Speak Better

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Being able to communicate and connect with all types of stakeholders is key to being a successful leader. The most important component might be building our self-awareness to understand where we stand and how we can improve. Communicating, like all soft skills, is like a muscle that needs to be worked out.

As a leader, one of the responsibilities I had that would scare the heck out of me was speaking.  Whether I had to lead a team meeting or have a press conference, I was always second-guessing…

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(Re)build Your Routine

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As a leader, I sometimes spend more time doing things for others than myself.

What have I learned?

I must help myself before helping others.

Having a routine has helped me with making sure I can show up for myself and others.

Routines allow us to develop habits that match our goals while helping us eliminate habits that keep us from reaching our full potential.

Ready to make a change?

Start by downloading my free resource to start to work out your routine.

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