

2022 in Review + 2023 Vision

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Every year since 2017, I have followed the same process to review my year and select the actions I want to focus on the following year.  This process has helped me grow, prioritize my mental, physical, and emotional health, and, most importantly, help me to exceed my income goals each year.  I also share this practice and my worksheets with my clients.

Each yearly vision (and accompanying habits/ routines) adds up and builds on each other.

You can read about my past Vision Day exercises here.

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Are you a first-time online business owner looking to expand your audience? You Need to Join this Free Community

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I'm not going to update this sh*t again! 

I was uncomfortable and felt like I had failed another test as a coach who had decided to leverage social media to grow her business.

I had tried several different opt-in options and felt like an online quiz would be the best because the leaders I supported had very little time, but it didn't seem like I was moving in the right direction. 

After taking a few months break from the quiz, I decided to give it another go.

I decided not to take the feedba…

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5 Strategies For Leaders To Cultivate More Self-love In Life and Business

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Do you find yourself constantly being hard on yourself in business?

Are you easily frustrated, wishing you were further along?

You may find yourself measuring success in financial metrics, and if you don’t achieve a goal, you end up feeling guilty, ashamed, or worse - demoralized. 

Leaders, know that it’s perfectly okay to feel this way. You’re not the only business owner who struggles with issues of worthiness. 

While you know that the work you do is important and meaningful, it’s just a fac…

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3 Tips on How to Become an Effective and Impactful Leader

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Have you ever wondered what the qualities of a good leader are? 

As a business owner or manager, you want to be known as a “great” leader, but what does it take to be an effective and impactful leader in your community?

Leadership has to do with how we engage and influence others. How you’re able to move people to action, vision, and purpose.

I’ve had this conversation with hundreds of leaders over the last few years, and this is a topic that keeps being brought up in discussions again and ag…

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How to Build Your Business While Staying True to Your Roots with Araba

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It’s easy to get pulled away from what truly matters when you’re running a business.

As a modern global leader, you may feel the need to stay true to your cultural heritage, no matter where you are in the world.

Perhaps you’d even like to weave your cultural traditions into your business.

So, how do you keep your values and mission alive during the hustle and bustle?

I sat down with Araba Ofori, an entrepreneur and writer based in Accra, Ghana, to talk about building a business in the diaspo…

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My Top 3 Values and Lessons Learned in Business

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As a leadership coach, I work every day with leaders and executives every day to help show up for both themselves and their teams to the best of their abilities. 

While I am endlessly consuming leadership content, I also draw heavily from my own experiences.

In fact, part of the reason I wanted to start up specifically as a leadership coach is due to the lack of leadership support I felt in my own career.

It’s our job as leaders to raise the standards for everyone around us.

We’re the captai…

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Open Door Conversations // Trailer

Welcome to The Open Door Podcast. In this welcome message, your host Akua shares with you what you can expect from the Open Door Conversation Podcast. 

If you want to know when we will be launching the podcast, connect with Akua on Instagram or LinkedIn, so when we launch the podcast, you will be the first to know.


Welcome to the open door podcast, my name is Akua Nyame-Mensah I also respond to, Aqua, and Akua. I'm a certified executive and leadership coach recognized facilitator …

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Do You Want to be Successful?

Week 26

Then, get clear on your thoughts around self-promotion.

A few weeks ago, I put up a poll on LinkedIn, and I was pleasantly surprised at the results:

I know I used to (and still sometimes) have a problem with people who were open to sharing their success. 

I used to tell myself stories about how they were ‘too much.’

I still procrastinate on sharing my wins, cringing when I am about to click post because I didn’t want people to tell me I am showing off.   

How we respond or react to others…

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I Want to Speak Better

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Being able to communicate and connect with all types of stakeholders is key to being a successful leader. The most important component might be building our self-awareness to understand where we stand and how we can improve. Communicating, like all soft skills, is like a muscle that needs to be worked out.

As a leader, one of the responsibilities I had that would scare the heck out of me was speaking.  Whether I had to lead a team meeting or have a press conference, I was always second-guessing…

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Upleveled LinkedIn


2020 is the year in which I'm focusing on Exponential Value and Visibility.  A huge part of being able to achieve this is transforming my vision and theme into actionable and achievable goals.  A major challenge I deal with is potential clients that do not see the value in my work. You can follow my journey to live my vision here.

It took me three weeks to draft this and just 5 minutes to upload it.

If you want to see what my LinkedIn Profile looked like before, take a look at this post where …

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Leaders aren't born; they're made.

This 5-minute assessment will help you understand what leadership stage you're currently in so you can determine your next steps.