Setting a Goal Isn't Enough

Week 28

2020 is the year in which I'm focusing on Exponential Value and Visibility.  A huge part of being able to achieve this is reflecting on how far I have come and celebrating my progress. You can follow my journey to experience my vision here. 

Setting a goal is not enough.

Last week I shared my process of setting up my year for success.

I wanted to outline one exercise that has kept me motivated and focused.  I try to model this approach for my clients as well - how to reflect on and share your #wins.

Why? I have found that it is motivating to remind myself of the progress I have made and, it allows me to reflect and shift if necessary.

If I had not gained the confidence to take a step back and change my approach, I would not be able to share my results and work, such as:

🥳 In terms of value earned, I made about 188% more this first half of the year compared to last year.

🥳In terms of visibility, with one of my free workshops, I have reached over 129 participants and conducted 14 workshops so far this year.

🥳 To demonstrate my value, I have 51 approved testimonials on my website from both 1:1 clients, free sessions participants, and paid workshop attendees. 

More of my #wins and what I need to stop doing can be found here.


Set the alarm on your phone or a reminder on your calendar for 5 minutes.   Select one of your goals. Reflect on what you have achieved and what might need to change. 

Share this post with someone that needs some help giving attention to their progress and all that is good.


GET STARTED by making sure you have downloaded my resource to help you build your self-promotion muscles here and a habit of reflection here.  The two, go hand and hand.

LEARN more about an alternative approach to achieving your goals by reading this blog post.

BOOK a quick chat to get support walking through your next six months by clicking here

This is my Week #28 2020 Newsletter Update. If you want to receive my newsletter focused on leadership and life, sign up here.


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