Thought Leadership
Don't Leave 💰 on the Table: Network Your Way to Well-Paid Opportunities
This week I was joined by former recruiter and Success Career Coach Joel Kojo Abaka Anaman to discuss how to find and secure well-paid opportunities in Africa.
The actionable advice he shared is applicable no matter where you live.
(Listen to the entire conversation here)
Here are three of my favorite moments from our conversation:
- Joel highlighted the importance of defining 'well-paid' and doing your research. He spoke about how relative the concept of 'well-paid' is and that it is your…
All Leaders Need Development Support - Not Just Senior Leaders
...[I]f one in three [managers] are not feeling like there are enough opportunities and resources for their growth..that's a fairly big risk for a need middle management to actually execute...
-- Chris Suzdak, Founder of CoffeeChat
This past Friday, we discussed the results of two CoffeeChat surveys focused on leadership development and access. Though the surveys were taken by African-based managers and L&D professionals, the data collected provides valuable insight to anyone int…
Want to Build a Career in Tech? Master Soft Skills
Last week we invited Anemari Fiser to share more about her experience and perspective on successfully building a career in tech.
(Listen to the entire conversation here)
Her number one piece of advice was to make sure that you give yourself the opportunity to master soft skills.
During our conversation, she also shared that:
The best way to find your next role is through networking, tech communities, and spaces:
First because we are people...We react based on human interaction...By talking …
Are Corporate and Wellness Compatible?
Wellness starts with self.
Wellness starts with having conversations.
Last week we hosted a conversation with wellness expert and practitioner Krystal-Joy Williams.
(Listen to the entire conversation here)
When asked about the relationship between self-care and wellness, she shared:
It all begins with self-care. So before beginning to thrive in wellness, or even focus on wellness… self-care is where it begins…[U]ntil you're caring or care about yourself, how could you possibly thrive in a…
Can AI enable inclusion - or is it too late?
"AI is a tool…What is happening already with our tools, with these algorithms and with AI is that it is already based on a dominant identity group, and it's built by the dominant identity group…"
- Workplace Equity Strategist Olanike A. Mensah
Last week, we had a wide-ranging conversation about AI with Workplace Equity Strategist Olanike A. Mensah.
(Listen to the entire conversation here)
We use artificial intelligence anytime we open our laptops or use phones.
Understanding the in…
Three things you may have never considered about podcasting
What is the best way to share your expertise, thought leadership, or new ideas?
I would argue that a podcast is a great medium to do that.
I've had my podcast for a few years now, and with over 70 episodes, I've enjoyed challenging myself to be more succinct in my communication and improve my interviewing skills.
Last week I invited my digital nomad Podcast Manager Valery Colli to join me and share her perspective on podcasting in 2023.
(Listen to the entire conversation here)
Here are th…
DEIB in Africa: Beyond Race & LGBTQ - Context Matters
DEI can be a very polarizing issue in any organization.
It is not usually a topic on the mind of African leaders - but it should be.
That is why I invited DEIB practitioner and champion Angela Gachui to talk through the different dimensions of diversity on the MOST diverse continent.
(Listen to our entire conversation here)
Here are three dimensions of diversity leaders should consider:
1) Personality
Our personality affects how we show up in the world, in the workplace, our interaction…
Three things to consider about Quiet Quitting 🤫, Well-Being & the Future of Work
Last week I hosted an audio event focused on rethinking our perspective on well-being, work-life balance, the future of work, and 'job-crafting.'
We were joined by leadership trainer, facilitator, and learning designer Shiva Roofeh.
Shiva's definition of quiet quitting:
"…it's looking at your job description and saying, that's what I'm going to do. And I'm not going to go above and beyond. Simple as that. And also, it's, I think, possibly founded in this radical concept, that your job does …
5 Things Leaders Should Consider Before Using Personality Tests
"…An assessment cannot create community or psychological safety. It's important to create opportunities for colleagues to connect and learn about each other."
Last week I co-hosted an audio event with Ama Nyame-Mensah, Ph.D., focused on personality tests and how assessments can be used in hiring, coaching, and development.
Thank you, Indra A. Books, Jaki Wasike-Sihanya, Nadia Saleh, Pushkraj Deshpande, Arnold Buoro, and Magriet Mouton, for your contributions.
Three Things Most Leaders Get Wrong about Goal Setting
Most of us are in the middle of conducting appraisals, setting goals, and updating our strategy for the year.
All of these involve setting expectations.
Last week I hosted an audio event focused on goal setting and how goals can help us focus and filter.
(Click here to listen to the conversation)
These are three mistakes we tend to make when setting expectations for ourselves AND others:
- We are terrible at planning and cannot predict the future. As a result, we tend to underestimate ho…
Leaders aren't born; they're made.
This 5-minute assessment will help you understand what leadership stage you're currently in so you can determine your next steps.