Executive presence is about your ability to inspire confidence. Inspiring confidence in your subordinates that you're leading,...stakeholders, managing above, managing below, managing across…
-- Kelly Lynn Adams, Executive Business and Life Coach.
A few days ago, I had a very insightful conversation with Kelly Lynn Adams about executive and leadership presence; what it is, why leaders need it, what mistakes leaders make and how to avoid them, and so much more.
[Listen to our entire conversation about demystifying executive presence here]
Here are five interesting questions and topics we touched on during our conversation:
- What exactly is executive presence? Kelly Lynn Adams, explains using what she calls the 7 Cs of executive presence: Composure, Connection, Charisma, Confidence, Credibility, and Clarity [Listen at 2:26].
- What is embodiment? And why is it important for leaders to keep this term embodiment in mind, especially as it relates to executive presence? We discuss the different definitions of executive presence and how we can imbibe that into our lives and leadership, and Kelly Lynn Adams uses an interesting analogy about shoes matching an outfit to paint a clearer picture [Listen at 5:51].
- Kelly Lynn Adams also speaks about authenticity and vulnerability between an executive and their team and how that relates to executive presence [ Listen at 7:18].
- How do you know when to be vulnerable? Especially if you’re working on executive and leadership presence? Kelly Lynn shared some tips on striking a balance between being competent and empathetic [Listen at 11:05]
- We also speak about the connection between mental health and executive presence. Why is it important to establish and protect your boundaries? [Listen at 20:32]
Why should leaders even care about executive or leadership presence?
[Listen to the full conversation here]
P.S. Struggling with embracing change in your career? Listen to my latest podcast episode about pivoting with Alex Bram, the CEO at Hubtel here.
P.P.S. Ready to be more visible as a leader? Join next workshop focused on self-promotion. Register to secure your seat here.
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