
People Advisory Engagement

Case Studies - Genser HR


A buoyant team needs to improve its communication, engagement, and execution so that it can hold each other accountable. 


Genser Energy


Elevate team dynamics and leadership effectiveness on the distributed Organizational Development (OD) Team. Recognizing the importance of fostering a cohesive and empowered team culture, the aim was to cultivate a sense of belonging, ownership, and accountability among team members. We sought to address existing communication challenges …

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Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone: Insights from a Week of BTS Sharing

Feb BTS Blog Banner

Fun Experiment, Easier than I Thought

Creating behind-the-scenes (BTS) content on LinkedIn for a week was an interesting experiment. As a service provider who decided to use social media for business, I often found myself overthinking the content I put out. Questions about its authority, relevance to my audience, and whether it aligned with my professional image often plagued my mind. However, this special project challenged those doubts and allowed me to delve into a more spontaneous and perso…

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How to 'Fire Yourself' Strategically: Succession Planning First Steps

2023 September Roundtable Banner Leadership Sucession Planning

Imagine you're the CEO of a rapidly growing startup, and you've arrived at a crossroads. You've realized the critical need to step back from the daily operations and find a successor who can not only maintain but also elevate your company's trajectory. Yet, your journey has been a rollercoaster, with several potential successors who didn't quite fit the bill. Now, you're determined to ensure that the next one sticks.

Though there is no one right next step, I think there is a better one.  Consider…

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EP 100 // Celebrating 100 Podcast Episodes and 5 Years in Business

Ep 100

Executive and Leadership expert Akua is celebrating a remarkable milestone of producing 100 podcast episodes of The Open Door Conversation Podcast.

In this episode, Akua reflects on her journey of starting her podcast and how her vision has changed. With being 5 years in business, Akua shares the key lessons she learned professionally and personally. And while taking a hiatus from social media, Akua looks forward to continuing her leadership framework and hosting People Before Strategy round-ta…

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Making the Most of Your Coaching Experience: Insights for Leaders in Transition

Coaching Resources Leaders in Transition

Investing your time, energy, or financial resources into an external coach is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. It's natural to have questions or doubts. That's why I wanted to share some valuable insights on this important decision. But before we dive into that, there are three thoughts I'd like to share with you:

  • Firstly, it's crucial to recognize that you control what success looks like in your coaching engagement. While most coaches will assist you in setting goals, it's importa…

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Ep 99 // Evolving Your Brand: Embracing Authenticity and Change

Ep 99

Embracing change can be difficult and uncomfortable, but when it comes to the business world, it's a necessary skill for leaders. Executive and leadership coach Akua Nyame Mensah has recently gone through the rebranding process, and in this episode, she shares the importance of evolving and staying relevant as a business leader. 

If you don't think you need a brand, or you're thinking of rebranding yourself and/or your business, this episode is for you. Akua dives into the specific reasons she …

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Ep 98 // Transformative Coaching for Intentional Leaders

Ep 98

Executive and leadership coaching, at its core, is about creating ease for you as a high-achieving leader. It's about supporting you in leveraging your innate personality so you can learn how to prioritize and maximize your time as well as the time of your team and stakeholders. 

In this episode, Akua talks about her coaching program and how one-on-one coaching can be transformational for leaders at any stage of their career. Learn how Akua helps clients become sustainably strategic, learn how …

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Ep 97 // Your Guide to Next-Level Leadership

Ep 01

If you're a leader considering investing in executive coaching or advisory support, you cannot miss this episode. In it, executive and leadership coach Akua Nyame-Mensah dives into the world of coaching high-performing leaders, founders, and managers and what sets her apart from the rest.

Get a clear understanding of the benefits of coaching and why Akua might be a great fit for you and your team. You'll learn about Akua's unique approach, and she even walks you through a recent case study in w…

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               CASE STUDIES

               PEOPLE ROUNDTABLE


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