All Leaders Need Development Support - Not Just Senior Leaders

...[I]f one in three [managers] are not feeling like there are enough opportunities and resources for their growth..that's a fairly big risk for a need middle management to actually execute...
-- Chris Suzdak, Founder of CoffeeChat
This past Friday, we discussed the results of two CoffeeChat surveys focused on leadership development and access. Though the surveys were taken by African-based managers and L&D professionals, the data collected provides valuable insight to anyone interested in leadership skills development.
[Listen to our entire conversation about training managers here]
You can access the reports on YouTube and the CoffeeChat website.
Here are three interesting questions that were brought up during our conversation:
- What type of support do middle managers really want? Chris Suzdak breaks down the results of the surveys and highlights the importance of different approaches and methods [Listen at 32:03].
- Should culture play a role in training or leadership development for middle managers? We discuss the impact of culture on leadership, and Russell Pereira highlighted that having a shared language is key [Listen at 43:00].
- Are some leadership skills universal? We also discussed how some skills and approaches are expected in most workplaces, for example, collaboration [Listen at 55:38].
Do you provide all your leaders with resources and access to development opportunities?
[Listen to the full recording here]
P.S. One of the most important skills any leader can learn is how to communicate. Listen to my latest podcast episode about being the message here.
P.P.S. Ready to be more visible as a leader? Join my workshop focused on self-promotion next week. Register to secure your seat here.
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