

My Decade in Review: Professional Lessons + Reflections

Decade in Review

I had a great time going through images from the last few years and reflecting on how all the things have done have led me to me starting my own coaching and consulting practice.


2010 – Finished my undergraduate degree in Growth and Structures of Cities at Bryn Mawr College, and rather than accept a ‘real internship’ related to what I studied, I went to Johannesburg, South Africa to work at the 2010 Football World Cup.  In South Africa, I decided I didn’t like working in the real world and fi…

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How Well Positioned is Your Career?


Wherever you are in your career - how well positioned are you?

Beyond technical skills and the obvious of course.

To get a job and keep it, you need more than technical skills.

In October 2019 I was asked to be part of a panel on career positioning in the digital age alongside representatives from the largest banks and financial institutions in Nigeria including Ecobank.

Before the panel, I was given the opportunity to present my thoughts on the most important skills for CFA (Chartered Fin…

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Self-Awareness - The Key to Success


One key thing I teach my clients is:

People do things for their own reasons.

Not yours.

If you want to get better at engaging with others, you must first increase your ability to understand your strengths and weaknesses as well as recognize your emotions and the effect they have on you and others.

This is also known as self-awareness, and it is a core component of emotional intelligence.

I wanted to share five resources to help you build your self-awareness in the new year:

  1. Review your 2…

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An Easy First Step to Build Self-Awareness


Have you ever taken a second to think about what you like and don't like?

Most of us have not and it is a great place to start to build your self-awareness.  Once you write down your likes and dislikes you are in a better position to start to find opportunities that align with your preferences. 

Download this worksheet to help you get started.

Download What Do I Like? Exercise

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3 Things I Kept In Mind While Building A Team From Scratch

team from stratch

How the heck am I going to find people I like?  When I was first hired to launch an online platform and build a team around it, I was scared. For the longest time, I had avoided ‘people-related’ issues. I had the chance to select and lead project-based teams and boss around some interns, but I had never built a team that was going to help me succeed in building an online-based startup. Hiring for a startup is difficult enough, but I was hiring for a business based in a country that I hadn't live…

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Favorite Mindset Podcasts

Favorite Podcasts

I listen to these podcasts regularly and they always are shifting how I think about certain topics and behaviors.

In coaching, we generally believe that our thoughts impact our emotions which ultimately impact our behavior or actions. 

What you listen to and believe has a large impact on your ability to get things done.

What are you listening to? Is it helping you move forward or holding you back?

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