April Update: How Is Your To-Do List Going?

What did you get up to last month? Have you taken a second to reflect? Did you achieve everything you wanted? I’m a to-do list type of person. I make lists and lists and try to check off as much as possible. I’ve gotten better at not being upset at myself for not getting everything done. My goal for April was to make the most of my current network and start building partnerships. I look forward to sharing some of my lessons soon.
My favorite part of this month was participating in International Coach Federation (ICF) International Coaching Week (ICW). ICW is a weeklong celebration of coaching. This year I was able to participate in some super fun, slightly nerve-wracking activities, learn a ton about myself and help others in the process. Check out my Instagram post to see.
This is for all the people out there who have been told that you cannot bring your emotions to work. If you have feelings, you are going to love this feed.
True or False? You are constantly looking for ways to develop your edge? False? Then please stop reading this newsletter. True? Check out my latest content around leadership here and join my Virtual Leadership Book Club discussions on Saturday, May 25 or Saturday, June 15 here. Each quarter there will be a new book and monthly a virtual conversation on how to apply the book's lessons.
One question I get asked a lot:
Why Aren’t My Employees as Motivated as I Am?
Great question! If you are in Lagos on June 4th, I will be sharing some of my thoughts and few ways to engage and mobilize your team at my FREE leadership focused masterclass at NG_Hub from Facebook on Tuesday, June 4th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. There are only 15 spots so sign up here if you run a team or company and want to join. If you aren’t going to be in Lagos, simply reply to this message with ‘I wanna know why!’ and I will send you my notes for the class.
If you are constantly seeking self-awareness (like moi), then take this fun quiz on the Four Tendencies. I’m not surprised at my results – I’m a questioner. I actually spend most of my awake time asking questions to others, being super curious and inquisitive. Ask my parents. They will confirm that I was born this way.
Finally, another new favorite resource – Mentors and Mentees. I recently joined this online community and have had a chance to mentor young people (both in school and working) all around the world. If you are looking for an amazing online community that is super responsive and or want to support others online – you best, apply and join.
Super glad you took the time to read all the way down here. Writing and posting this is another CHECK on my
Leaders aren't born; they're made.
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