I ❤️ Getting Things Done


I get even more done when I am able to bring others along.

One of the many productivity issues I experienced as a leader was firefighting.

I would rush from task to task, not even completing one before I would think of something I needed to do, or a member of my team would interrupt me.

Even now I sometimes get off track and feel rushed to finish a project or have a conversation with a client.

What I have learned:

There is nothing such as being ‘too busy’ - there is only prioritization.


Before you start to work, select three specific priorities you want to accomplish first and use those priorities to determine where you should focus throughout the day.

I like writing out my priorities on a post-it or in a notebook where I can see them throughout the day.

Share this post with someone who is always saying they are not sure where to begin but seem busy.

Whenever you’re ready... here are three ways I can help you connect and focus to scale:

GET STARTED by going through some of my other productivity-related content (LINK).

LEARN how I approach staying focused on a weekly basis (LINK).

DOWNLOAD my guide that includes how I set aligned expectations for myself and others (LINK).


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